Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of KnownProblems

Feb 25, 2012, 5:29:41 PM (12 years ago)
David Azarewicz



  • KnownProblems

    v10 v11  
    1010There is a known problem with almost all utilities that power off your system, including the xworkplace eComStation extended shutdown.
    12 The problem occurs when these utilities shut down the file systems before the power off routine has been paged into memory. When the utility calls the routine to power off the system, the kernel can't page it into memory because the file systems have been stopped.  This is not a defect in ACPI.PSD or related software and cannot be fixed in the any of the ACPI software.  It must be fixed in the power off utility.
     12The problem occurs when these utilities shut down the file systems before the power off routine has been paged into memory. When the utility calls the routine to power off the system, the kernel can't page it into memory because the file systems have been stopped.  This is not a defect in ACPI.PSD or related software and cannot be fixed in the any of the ACPI software because the ACPI software does not get control at the appropriate time.  It must be fixed in the power off utility.
    1414Because of the nature of this defect, power off utilities with the defect may have randomly worked in the past because the power off routine may or may not have been in memory for some other reason. If things move around in memory, or some other program causes the routine to get paged in, the power off may have worked.  The only way to reliably fix the defect is to fix the power off utility.
    2020This command properly makes sure the power off routine is in memory before stopping the file systems.  Make sure you are using the latest version of acpistat.exe.
     22If acpistat poweroff successfully powers off your system, then there is nothing wrong with any of the ACPI software. Do not report this as a problem with ACPI. Instead report the problem to the appropriate place for your shutdown utility (xworkplace, for example).
    2224== Systems with ACPI from Award ==