Ticket #344: acpibattery.LOG

File acpibattery.LOG, 771 bytes (added by eco, 15 years ago)
1Show ACPI battery state
2Found Smart Battery "BAT0"
3Battery status 0x1f
4=========== Battery design ===============
5Power Unit: capacity is mW , charge/discharge rate is mW
61 Design capacity 48000 mW
71 Last full charge capacity 48000 mW
81 Battery technology 1
91 Design voltage 14800 mV
101 Design capacity of warning 1454 mW
111 Design capacity of low 480 mW
121 Baterry granularity between low and warning 974 mW
131 Baterry granularity between warning and high 46546 mWh
143 ModelNumber: "ANA" 4 bytes "414e4100"
153 SerialNumber: "110" 4 bytes 31
163 Battery type: "LION"5 bytes
17=========== Battery Status ===============
18Buttery is charging
191 Battery present rate 15000
201 Battery remaining capacity 0
211 Battery present voltage 15000 mV
22Status 0x0 0 - No error