Custom Query (44 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#42 fixed Add a /N switch to the history command Gregg Young Gregg Young

/N would add the item to the history list only if it not already there.

#41 fixed Add WIS and build script Steven Levine Lewis Rosenthal

I am attaching the following to this ticket, as I do not have commit privs:

4os2.WIS makewpi.cmd

These should be placed in a /wpi subdirectory directly under the location of the binaries for the build. The binaries are called out explicitly, in case there is any other clutter in their space.

makewpi.cmd may be invoked without parameters to build a self-extracting WarpIN archive, or with the MIN parameter (alone, no preceding "-" or "/") to build a WPI.

The current version string in the WIS is This must be adjusted as necessary for each update.

#38 invalid MOVE to a different volume should not trigger write to DELDIR Lewis Rosenthal

When MOVE is used to relocate a file from one volume to another, the file being moved is copied to DELDIR for the source volume. This is inconsistent with the intention of a move, which is not to delete, but rather to relocate.

Use case is when a user needs to free up space on a given volume, so he moves files to a different volume. This exercise is futile, particularly if DELDIR is large, as the moved files are also copied to DELDIR in the operation.

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