Custom Query (44 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#41 fixed Add WIS and build script Steven Levine Lewis Rosenthal

I am attaching the following to this ticket, as I do not have commit privs:

4os2.WIS makewpi.cmd

These should be placed in a /wpi subdirectory directly under the location of the binaries for the build. The binaries are called out explicitly, in case there is any other clutter in their space.

makewpi.cmd may be invoked without parameters to build a self-extracting WarpIN archive, or with the MIN parameter (alone, no preceding "-" or "/") to build a WPI.

The current version string in the WIS is This must be adjusted as necessary for each update.

#45 fixed memory reports incorrect DirHistory value Steven Levine Lewis Rosenthal

DirHistory defaults to 4092. Starting Option, 4092 is listed in the dialog for Directory History Buffer Size on the Startup page.

However, running memory, 32,767 is listed as the buffer size, which happens to be the setting for History. I suspect that memory isn't parsing this quite right.

#49 fixed Rebuild 3.08.4-shl as 3.09.1 Steven Levine Lewis Rosenthal

Due to a packaging faux pas, the WPI for 3.08.3 was incorrectly (prematurely) versioned as 3.09.0, leading to potential difficulties when "upgrading" to 3.08.4.

During the Arca Noae staff meeting of 1/26/2019, we discussed the possibility of rebuilding the 3.08.4-shl binaries as 3.09.1 and repackaging so that the versions in the WPI match the binaries.

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