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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13 worksforme 4OS2 and REXX somebody Batchheizer

I'm updating the TAME-WPI/INF. There is one sentence concerning 4OS/2:

3. Make sure that OS/2 own CMD processor is used. Usage of 4OS2 isn't supported at all as it shows severe errors together with ReXX (default in eCS).

Is that correct?

#10 fixed @eawrite and @earead should trim blanks from EA name Gregg Young Anton Monroe

Like many people, I do not use spaces consistently. Using @eawrite, it is all too easy to create the wrong EA by putting a space after the comma--

%@eawrite[file, .SUBJECT,text] %@earead[file,.SUBJECT]

won't work, because there is no ".SUBJECT" EA; the EA is " .SUBJECT"

(why did IBM allow leading and trailing spaces in an EA name anyway?)

#9 fixed @eawrite[] does not remove EA Gregg Young Anton Monroe

Passing a null string to @eawrite is supposed to remove the EA. Instead, it keeps the EA and sets the length to 0.

set ret=%@eawrite[file,.SUBJECT,the subject] set ret=%@eawrite[file,.SUBJECT,] <--4OS2 thinks the EA is gone

Rexx shows the whole EA--

set ret=%@rexx[call SysGetEA 'file','.SUBJECT','EAval' ; parse var EAVal EAhdr +2 EAlen +2 EAstr ; say ' [REXX] EA == "'c2x(EAhdr)'" "'c2x(reverse(EAlen))'" "'EAstr'"']

I noticed it because I was getting error messages from FC/2 about invalid EAs when copying files from an NDFS drive. I don't know the 4OS2 EAs were the cause, but FC/2 has not complained since I cleaned out all the empty EAs.

I suspect the fix would be just a matter of passing 0 to DosSetPathInfo? instead of the length of the empty EA header.

A workaround is to use Rexx to delete the EA--

set ret=%@rexx[call SysPutEA "%filename", %EAname,]

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