Custom Query (44 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5 worksforme change into dir without trailing \ do not work every time andi.b andi.b

At least on HPFS386 volumes DosFindFirst? in parser.c#650 do sometimes not return NO_ERROR although search pattern matches a directory.

Till now not observed on JFS drives.

#14 fixed CDWithoutBackslash=2 breaks some scripts andi.b Gregg Young

I have tried running fm2dump.cmd and keep getting the following error message:

G:\FM2.TEST\FM2DUMP.CMD [34] Unknown command "orlevel" Directory U:\Dump does not exist - check set D= statement on line 26

Line 34: if not errorlevel 1 goto DirOK

This is caused by CDWithoutBackslash=2. If I don't set it (default is 1 check for executable first) fm2dump works. If I type fm2dump.cmd (adding the extension) with it set to 2 it works. It's obvious that something is gobbling up some of the characters that should be part of the next statement. You can make the error message disappear by adding a few blanks lines before the if statement. I am attaching fm2dump.cmd as a test case

#6 fixed shift - insert paste Gregg Young Abwillis

Shift - insert paste enhancement request.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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