Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#20 list command key 'I' crashes 4os2 Steven Levine defect major 3.08 fixed
#28 touch and a non-existent file enhancement major 3.08 fixed
#41 Add WIS and build script Steven Levine enhancement minor 3.09 fixed
#49 Rebuild 3.08.4-shl as 3.09.1 Steven Levine task major 3.08 fixed
#17 Wildcard XCOPY operations interrupted when quotes are present in filenames Steven Levine defect minor 3.08 invalid
#23 Problems compiling when set makeshell= sh.exe defect major 3.08 invalid
#26 Redirection issues Steven Levine defect minor 3.08 invalid
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.